We know the betting world is full of untrustworthy characters trying to make a quick profit by selling really bad tips. And we want them out of the business as much as you do.
Our tipsters have the option to verify their status if they want to sell their tips on TipstersPortal. Verified tipsters have submitted identification to us so you know they’re in this for real. They are asked to upload an image of a photo ID that matches the user profile name and shows a picture of himself. It can be a passport, national id card, drivers license .etc.
After uploading the document it will be sent to our review department for approval. Only after the document has been approved, the green Verified badge will appear on his public profile.
Once a tipster publishes a tip, it becomes locked in the system, meaning nobody can edit/delete his added tips. This gives you 100% confidence that every tip that you see in his profile is 100% real.